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Found 3 results

  1. Hello there boys and girls. I'm attempting to do a black jack card game. My problem at the moment is that it won't continute looping through everything, after one loop. I want it to stop looping when the two bool variables, p1Ready and p2Ready, are false(You'll understand if you take a peek at the code). What I'm thinking is that I've never changed the bool variables to false but my while-loop keeps accepting the variables as false(?). I'm not sure if it's the bool variables fault or not but something is up and I'm not sure what it is. Don't mind the comments, they are merely there to help me keep track of things. This is my code at the moment, be aware that it isn't complete yet. Any comments or thoughts is much appreciated! #include <iostream>#include <string>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>using namespace std;int main(){ srand(time(NULL)); //Variabler int const CAP = 52; int const PLAYERCAP = 2; int cards[CAP]; bool p1Ready = true, p2Ready = true; bool checkArray[CAP]; string players[PLAYERCAP]; int p1Points = 0, p2Points = 0, n, p1Wins = 0, p2Wins = 0; char choice; int counter = 0; //Sätter värderna i cards - arrayen for (int i = 0; i < 52; i = i + 4){ cards[i] = counter + 1; cards[i + 1] = counter + 1; cards[i + 2] = counter + 1; cards[i + 3] = counter + 1; counter++; } //Ger bool-arrayen checkArray "värdena" true for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++){ checkArray[i] = cards[i]; } cout << "Welcome to the cardgame Black Jack" << endl; cout << "Please, enter the name of player 1" << endl; cin >> players[0]; cout << "Please, enter the name of player 2" << endl; cin >> players[1]; do{ //Här börjar spelare ett med att välja mellan att vilja ta ett kort eller inte if (p1Ready == true){ cout << "Would you like a card, " << players[0] << "? (J/N)" << endl; cin >> choice; if (choice == 'J' || choice == 'j'){ n = rand() % 51; while (checkArray[n] == false){ n = rand() % 51; p1Points += cards[n]; cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; cout << p1Ready; } cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; p1Points += cards[n]; cout << "You now got a total of " << p1Points << " points" << endl; cout << p1Ready; } } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){ cout << players[0] << "you decided that you didn't want to play anymore, " << p1Points << " points" << endl; p1Ready = false; } //Här börjar spelare två med att välja mellan att vilja ta ett kort eller inte if (p2Ready == true){ cout << "Would you like a card, " << players[1] << "? (J/N)" << endl; cin >> choice; if (choice == 'J' || choice == 'j'){ n = rand() % 51; while (checkArray[n] == false){ n = rand() % 51; p2Points += cards[n]; cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; cout << p2Ready; } cout << cards[n] << " is your cards value!" << endl; p2Points += cards[n]; cout << "You now got a total of " << p1Points << " points" << endl; cout << p2Ready; } } else if (choice == 'N' || choice == 'n'){ cout << players[1] << "you decided that you didn't want to play anymore, " << p2Points << " points" << endl; p2Ready = false; } } while (p2Ready == false || p1Ready == false); cout << "You decided you did not want to play anymore." << endl << endl; cout << players[0] << " you won " << p1Wins << " time(s)." << endl << endl; cout << players[1] << " you won " << p2Wins << " time(s)." << endl << endl; return 0;}
  2. Does anyone know whats wrong with this code? It SHOULD work but all it does is input the acountName and then stops with the error $o_object.fireEvent("OnChange")$o_object.fireEvent("OnChange")^ ERRORIf I enter $password, "PASSWORD" before the $username it does the same thing except this time it only enters the password. Weird stuff... #include <IE.au3>Call ("signIn")Func SignIn ()Global $oIE = _IECreate ("")Local $username =_IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"accountName")Local $password = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE,"password")_IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "[email protected]")_IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "PASSWORD")EndFunc
  3. Just looking to see if someone can make a easy php script to pull emails from PayPal IPN on checkout and insert it into a SQL table for a mailing list automatically. Anyone wanna help